Monday, March 30, 2009

Alex I still can't access your blog!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I had a quick look at some of the work in other groups... In Christain's group check out
Myyunghoon Kim - pretty sophisticated sketch up model and excellent quality scans.. and
Johnathan Tat - Good stair sections
This is one shot of Pascal's first sketch up model. It is the best one that our group has produced so far. Check out other shots on her blog.
This section is by Rio Sun. I have posted it for two reasons:
1. The line work is excellent - check out Rio's other sections for more examples of great penwomanship.
2. The quality of the scan is appalling! Rio please re-scan and re-post all that are like this. These images are part of a presentation so they must look professional. The scans should be straight and flat. ALL STUDENTS WITH BAD SCANS MUST RE-SCAN OR I WILL MARK YOU DOWN SEVERELY.

Alex could you please send me your blog address ASAP via email or as a comment here. Thanks.


Hi everyone by now your creative production should be in full swing! Looking through your blogs I have found many are worryingly empty. Please rectify this as soon as possible. Congratulations to Hayley who is the only one who is up to date.